Healing Testimonies Of Wearing A Blessed Cross Necklace - Freendeals Jewelry

Healing Testimonies Of Wearing A Blessed Cross Necklace


Robert: United States (Freendeals Jewelry Customer since 2020)

Jesus reached down to the bottom to save me. I was an alcoholic. Its been 27 years now without a drink because the Lord saved me. Then he called me to preach the Gospel; been preaching 27 years now. 

Satan has tried everything to destroy me. I lost my family through a divorce after I broke down with a bad spinal cord disease. I died once, and the Lord brought me back. The doctor couldn’t cure my disease. It’s. One of the most painful conditions, and the doctors had me on all kinds of meds at the same time.

I found out my wife was going out on me after 20 years of marriage, and she backslide from God. So I went through Divorce, and the church turn there backs on me and wouldn’t let me preach anymore.  

At a chance I found the freendeals website by searching meaning of jesus cross 's healing power, and the beautiful cross necklace attracted me so much that I bought it at once, till now I still wear it as I can get closer to God.

One night my disease was so bad that I was getting ready to have them take me to the hospital, but they were getting ready to pray so I told the Lord with holding the cross necklace in hand that night to either healed me or take me to heaven, because I couldn’t go on because the pain was so bad, even on some of the strongest pain meds the doctors had me on. 

Finally, one night of healing from a blessed necklace, which I  realized that the holy meaning of blessed item is powerful, it prayed over me, and God healed me that night; Praise the Lord forever!

And the Lord brought a good Christian lady in my life. We got married, and today I am back preaching in the Church that told me I would never preach again because of Divorce. 

I lived the life of Job; the only difference between Job and me was I never lost my children by death thank the Lord forever. I never gave up on the Lord, and he rewarded me after five years of satan trying to destroy me.

Today I am preaching again with the blessed Jesus cross necklace with all my heart. Jesus Christ forever!


Let the Blessed Cross Jewelry reveal the holy meaing of your faith.


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