Holy Meaning Of A Blessed Item - Freendeals Jewelry

Holy Meaning Of A Blessed Item

In fact, virtually anything can be blessed.For a point to be honored ways that it ends up being holy. In fact, we usually use those 2 words reciprocally. They share the exact same sense of being "distinguished." In the Old Testimony, God calls his people to be divine, or he tells them that the Sabbath day will certainly be "divine unto the Lord." This certain feeling of righteousness highlights the "otherness" of somebody who or something which is honored. It is no more normal but has actually been "distinguished." If we pick up a moment and also consider what it indicated for Israel to be holy in useful terms, we swiftly see that it implies that they had to be various.

For God's Chosen Individuals to be "honored" or "holy," it would mean that they could not simply live like everybody else, and they couldn't just look like everyone else. They would have to conduct themselves differently. This is one of the reasons the People of Israel had so many unusual laws governing what they ate and what they wore. They were set apart, and this meant that they had to live the blessing-- they had to live differently.

Now, to be "blessed" did not merely mean to be "set apart." It meant to be set apart for something. There is no virtue in simply being different. Israel was holy because it was set apart for the Lord. To be blessed (or to have an object blessed) is to be set apart for a purpose.

Another way to word it: To be blessed is to be set apart for God’s purposes. It is not simply to be “removed from use,” but to be “elevated to a higher purpose and use.” You could also think of the term “consecrated.” In this sense, you could see how certain people or things were “consecrated” for a purpose: how Samson and John the Baptist were both consecrated from the womb, or how the altar in the Temple was consecrated for the worship of God.

When we bring forth an object or a person to be blessed, we are presenting that person or thing to God so that (by the power of the Holy Spirit and the invocation of the name of Jesus), they would be set apart for God’s purposes. For example, many people will ask me if I can bless their cross on a chain or a bracelet. When they bring it to me, it is merely jewelry. But after it is blessed, it ceases to be jewelry that is nothing more than an accessory to one’s outfit: That object has been set apart for a purpose.

It will still be worn like jewelry, but the purpose for which it is worn has been changed because the object has been consecrated for a higher purpose. In the case of the cross around one’s neck, the higher use is that it will, from then on, only point to Christ and his saving death and resurrection.

Find out more on our blessed cross jewelry collection.

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